Monday, August 05, 2019

POWs in post war Australia

The next meeting of the Heidelberg Historical Society presents Christina Twomey (Professor of History and Head of the School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies at Monash University) who will present her talk:

The Battle Within- POWs in post war Australia.

During World War Two over 30,000 Australians were captured by enemy forces and became prisoners of war.
Almost 22,000 returned home at the end of the war.  Most studies of POWs end at the point of liberation, but in this talk Christina will focus on what happened to former POWs after the camp gates were thrown open.
The talk will outline why the Government and the community found it difficult to respond to former POWs with empathy and understanding.
This talk is free and will be held at the Uniting Church Community Centre, Seddon Street, Ivanhoe Tuesday 13 August at 8pm.
To read more about Prisoners of War and the Second World War check out this reading list:
Prisoners of War

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