Saturday, August 05, 2017

Family History Month Blog Challenge #1

Australian genealogist and blogger Alexandra Daw has suggested a blogging challenge on her blog Family Tree Frog for National Family History Month.  The challenge revolves around a literary theme.
Week one is inspired by Ruth Park's novel Poor Man's Orange published in 1949.  The book continues the story of the Darcy family of Sydney with various themes of family, poverty and hardship in the mid twentieth century.  Recognised as a classic, this book would resonate with many Australian family history researchers wanting to connect with the times in their ancestors lived.
The books in the trilogy include:
Read some community reviews on Goodreads, but we would love to see you post a comment on the YPRL website if you choose to read one of Ruth Park's novels.
If you have family history in NSW and want some leads on where to look next, check out this brand new guide for researching your family history in NSW.
What is your NSW family story?  Are there any novels you would recommend a family history researcher should read?


Alex Daw said...

Thanks so much for the shout out. You have so much planned for #nfhm2017. I wish I could be there for everything !

Alex Daw said...

Thank you for the shout out. You have so much happening during #nfhm2017. I wish I could participate in everything !